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Y eso que nos llevan durante todo el día… Pero, igual que esto es cierto no menos cierto es que en el mundo de los fetichismos, el de pies es uno de los más extendidos, junto con el de los zapatos. El común de los mortales suele verse los pies feos (los suyos o los ajenos) y además es una de las partes de nuestro cuerpo que menos cuidamos. Si preguntas a tu alrededor sobre qué parte del cuerpo gusta menos, a buen seguro muchísimas personas te responderán que los pies. It was the grave of a little boy named Jessie who had died when he was 5 years old.

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She followed me into the graveyard and she said I ran straight over a small grave and just stood there, staring at it. My mother called out to me, but I didn't listen to her. We were walking past a graveyard and I suddenly broke free from her grasp and ran through the gates. My mother said that one day, she was taking me into town to go shopping. I don't really remember much about him, but my I remember my parents asking about him quite a lot. My mother told me that, when I was a kid, I had an imaginary friend named Jessie.

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At exactly 3 hours and 24 minutes into the recording, I heard the sound of my bedroom door opening. The next day, when I reviewed the recording I heard something that left me completely horrified. I fell asleep around midnight with the tape running. That night, I set up all my microphones and equipment around my bed.

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